Church Survival Guide: Part 3

“Church would be great if it weren’t for all the people.” A friend of mine said this to me after an awkward prayer service. The pastor had promised, “If you’ve tried prayer meetings before and you don’t want to try them again, trust me, this one will be different.” It wasn’t different. The pastor had […]

Church Survival Guide

If you relate with any of the following, this survival guide is for you: “I used to care about church, now it just feels so fake.”“I still want God in my life, but church isn’t doing it for me anymore.”“I’m tired of the obsession with big buildings, celebrity leaders and hipster worship artists.”“Why can’t I […]

A four year struggle

I started writing Out of the 4th Place in August of 2014. Now it’s September of 2018. I originally gave myself the goal of about a year to complete it. Hmmm… that didn’t happen. Just over four years… The outline for the whole book came to me one morning. I had been contemplating taking a […]